As you probably noticed there were no new levels or development in last 10 months. I don't want to go too much into explanation of my personal / business reasons, but there were things that I was handling.
But I had all the time part of my attention on the LostHero and I was looking how to improve the game. As the game moved over level 150 I start to feel that the fights became boring and players are actually isolated instead of interacting with each other.
I wanted to bring in more interaction between players so I putted into the game the Arena. Well, the result was actually negative, as many people get upset as they were terrorized by few high level players.
I was playing with the game mechanics and I want to do some major changes.
1) Add Abilities – each profession will be able to learn specific abilities that can be used at the fights (Dodge, Berserker, Fireball, Aim Shot, Heal, etc…)
2) Fights will change to turn based – each character you have (you or your mercenary) can use one of it’s abilities or use an item. First attack will still cost 10 energy per character, each turn will cost additional 3 energy per character that fights (you can put character on hold). This will give you as player ability to more interact during the fight and players who kill enemies during first round will progress at the game faster.
3) For the fights you will place characters into formation at grid 3x3 (like we have now at the arena fights). Characters in front rows will be attacked first. This will give you ability to put more tactics into the game, so you can more utilize different professions that your characters have.
4) Each weapon will have range – this will define for each charact who he can can attack based on the row he is at.
5) You will be able to cast/spawn additional monsters as wolfs to help you at your fight.
6) You can target enemies during the fights.
7) Add Spells – Wizards and Druids will learn spells that they can cast on them self, other characters or even other players. Spells will have duration like the potions. Each spell can be also purchased in form of potion. Spells will give you more advantage for the fights and you will be able to finish fights faster.
And those changes are related only to the fights. Of course there are still lot of development on the clans, add hunt for epic monsters, etc.
Such changes will require restart of all players as you will need to learn the spells and new abilities and I’ll need to change the maps.
For reset I want to apply following rules:
- Your character will reset to level 1 and go back to first map.
- Maps will contain more quests, more potions and more resources for the potions.
- You will get back all diamonds that you purchased as diamonds.
- For each 5 levels that you achieved you will get 1 diamond.
- Your mercenaries will be waiting for you or you will be able to keep them with you from the begging.
But to do such changes I want first know opinion of you, member of LostHero community.
Please answer me back on my email what do you think about changes above.
I’m really interested to know your opinion - do you like the changes? Or you want just more levels and keep game as it's?
Have a nice day,
Omorote Hideoshi